
Wicked: Part I

 Wicked: Part I (2024) After years of s to ps, starts, and mis sed release d at es, a fe atu re film ad apta tion of "Wicked" is finally on the way. This v isi on of L. Fr an k Baum's Oz re imag ines Elphaba, aka the Wicked Witch of the West, as a sympathetic protagonist. S uc h a story is told th rou gh vibrant m usic al n umb ers like "Popular" and "Def yin g Gravity," which have bec ome enormously po pula r with theater kids and the general public alike. Given that ubiquity — not to mention the p opu larity of Oz as a fi ctio nal realm — it's no surprise that a movie version of "W ic ked" is highly a ntici pated by the general p ub lic. This a dap tation is being directed by Jon M. Chu, who p rove d his m us ical chops while helm ing the "In the Heights" m ov ie, while C yn thia Erivo of "Harriet" and pop star A ria na Grande h eadli ne a star-studded ensemble cast as Elphaba and Glinda, re spe ctively. They'll ...

The Substance - 2024

 The Substance - September 2024 Coralie Fa rg eat roared onto the sc re en in 2017 with the b loo d-soaked, c an dy-colored, ra ge -filled "Revenge." Now, s he 's back for a not her bi za rro, violent, up set ting film about w om en trying to survive u nd er the male gaze. The film is titled "The S ubst ance," and when it pre miered at the 2024 Ca nn es Film Festival, it won the a wa rd for best s cree nplay. It also stars s om e pr ett y heavy hitters — Demi Moore ("Ghost"), M arg aret Q ual ley ("Once Upon a Ti m e in Ho lly wood"), and D enn is Quaid ("Far From Heaven")."The Sub stance" p rom ises to be a m esse d-up treat for b od y horror fans, as the official synopsis reveals, "M oo re's Elisabeth S par kle is a former A- list er past her p rim e who is s udde nly fired from her fitness TV sh o w by repellent studio head H ar vey (Quaid). She is th en drawn to the opportunity presented by a m ys terious new ...

Nosferatu - December, 2024

The ta le of C ou nt Dr ac ula m ig ht be the most re to ld s tor y on the sil ver screen. O ne of the f ir st w as an un of ficial ada pt ation: 1922's " Nos feratu." This version introduces Count Orlok, a vampire living in Tr ans ylvania who is vi si ted by a real estate a ge nt na me d Tho m as H utt er. It has only b ee n re ma de once, in 1979, by director W ern er Herzog. In 2024, w ri ter-director R obe rt E gger s will try his hand at a s ec ond remake of the 1 92 2 classic. "It" star Bill Sk ars gard w il l play Count Orlok and Nicho las Hoult (who iron ically played the title role in 2023's "Dracula"-inspired "Re nfie ld") will play T hom as Hu tt er. Lily-Rose Depp j oin s the film as Ellen , Thomas' wife and the wom an Nosferatu b eco mes e namo red with, w hi le A aro n Taylor-J ohnso n will reportedly play ship owner Friedrich Hardi ng. Willem Dafoe is playing a twisted vamp ire hunter named Professor Albin E berh ar...

Kraven the Hunter - December 2024

Aaron Taylor-Joh ns on, who had his breakout role in the 2010 superhero c om edy "Kick-Ass," returns to the genre to p lay Sergei Kravinoff. Traditionally, Kra vi noff is depicted as a big g am e hunter, but in the upcoming film, he does his best to d efe at poachers with the ex tra ordinary animalistic abilities he got after a deadly encounter with a lion. In addition to Taylor-Johnson, Russell Cr ow e stars as Kravinoff's father, Nikolai, and Academy Award winner Ariana DeBose ("West Side Story") plays K rav en's love interest, Calypso. Fred He chi nger ("The White Lotus") and Ale ss andro Nivola ("The Art of Self-Defense") p ort ray Spider-Man v ill ains the Ch am eleon and the Rh ino, res pecti vely, while J.C. Ch an dor of "Triple Frontier" and "All Is Lost" directs. Long in development, "Kraven the Hunter" finally went before c amer as in 2022, with a planned release date of January 13, 2023, before b...

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Celine's son falling

In the trailer, that ac c ident involves Ce l ine's son falling to his death from a balcony — a death that Alice tries to prevent but can't. However, after the incident, a ma j or rift grows between the two friends, with Alice starting to su s pect that Celine might blame her for what happened ... a n d that she might want some revenge. "G u ilt, suspicion, and paranoia bleed into their friendship," the plot synopsis continues, "as a psychological battle of wills gives way to a darker side of the maternal instinct." Helmed by cinemato g rapher turned di r ector Benoit Delhomme, "Mother's In s tinct" has yet to receive a release date, but the thriller will rele ase in the near future.  

Mother's Instinct

When you read the plot sy no psis for the film, you can see why Hath aw ay was scared of "Mother's Instinct," where she stars alongside Jessica Chastain ("The Eyes of Tammy Faye"). Per the official su mma ry, "Set in the 1960s, 'Mother's Instinct' centers on best friends and ne igh bors Alice (Chastain) and Celine (Hathaway), who live in a su bur ban paradise. Both are mothers to two sons of the same age, and their idyllic domestic happiness is shattered after a tragic accident." In the trailer, that a ccid ent involves Celine's son f alli ng to his death from a balcony — a d eat h that Alice tries to prevent but can't. However, after the incident, a major rift grows between the two friends, with Alice s tar ting to suspect that Celine mig ht blame her for what h appen ed ... and that she might want some revenge. "Guilt, suspicion, and paranoia bleed into their friendship," the plot synopsis continues, "as a psyc holo...