Nosferatu - December, 2024
The ta le of C ou nt Dr ac ula m ig ht be the most re to ld s tor y on the sil ver screen. O ne of the f ir st w as an un of ficial ada pt ation: 1922's " Nos feratu." This version introduces Count Orlok, a vampire living in Tr ans ylvania who is vi si ted by a real estate a ge nt na me d Tho m as H utt er. It has only b ee n re ma de once, in 1979, by director W ern er Herzog. In 2024, w ri ter-director R obe rt E gger s will try his hand at a s ec ond remake of the 1 92 2 classic. "It" star Bill Sk ars gard w il l play Count Orlok and Nicho las Hoult (who iron ically played the title role in 2023's "Dracula"-inspired "Re nfie ld") will play T hom as Hu tt er. Lily-Rose Depp j oin s the film as Ellen , Thomas' wife and the wom an Nosferatu b eco mes e namo red with, w hi le A aro n Taylor-J ohnso n will reportedly play ship owner Friedrich Hardi ng. Willem Dafoe is playing a twisted vamp ire hunter named Professor Albin E berh ar...