
Сообщения за декабрь, 2024

Wicked: Part I

 Wicked: Part I (2024) After years of s to ps, starts, and mis sed release d at es, a fe atu re film ad apta tion of "Wicked" is finally on the way. This v isi on of L. Fr an k Baum's Oz re imag ines Elphaba, aka the Wicked Witch of the West, as a sympathetic protagonist. S uc h a story is told th rou gh vibrant m usic al n umb ers like "Popular" and "Def yin g Gravity," which have bec ome enormously po pula r with theater kids and the general public alike. Given that ubiquity — not to mention the p opu larity of Oz as a fi ctio nal realm — it's no surprise that a movie version of "W ic ked" is highly a ntici pated by the general p ub lic. This a dap tation is being directed by Jon M. Chu, who p rove d his m us ical chops while helm ing the "In the Heights" m ov ie, while C yn thia Erivo of "Harriet" and pop star A ria na Grande h eadli ne a star-studded ensemble cast as Elphaba and Glinda, re spe ctively. They'll ...

The Substance - 2024

 The Substance - September 2024 Coralie Fa rg eat roared onto the sc re en in 2017 with the b loo d-soaked, c an dy-colored, ra ge -filled "Revenge." Now, s he 's back for a not her bi za rro, violent, up set ting film about w om en trying to survive u nd er the male gaze. The film is titled "The S ubst ance," and when it pre miered at the 2024 Ca nn es Film Festival, it won the a wa rd for best s cree nplay. It also stars s om e pr ett y heavy hitters — Demi Moore ("Ghost"), M arg aret Q ual ley ("Once Upon a Ti m e in Ho lly wood"), and D enn is Quaid ("Far From Heaven")."The Sub stance" p rom ises to be a m esse d-up treat for b od y horror fans, as the official synopsis reveals, "M oo re's Elisabeth S par kle is a former A- list er past her p rim e who is s udde nly fired from her fitness TV sh o w by repellent studio head H ar vey (Quaid). She is th en drawn to the opportunity presented by a m ys terious new ...